Data surveillance would be a breach of trust, says PM Pohiva
Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 20:29
A claim that the New Zealand Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) has been collecting email, phone and social media communications from Pacific Islands since 2009 and sharing mass data with the "Five Eyes" surveillance alliance of electronic eavesdropping agencies from New Zealand, USA, UK, Canada and Australia, has stirred up a mixed reaction from Pacific leaders today.
Koe 'informations' koia na'e
Ko e 'informations' koia na'e tukumai 'e 'Snowden' fekau'aki mo 'Amelika ki he me'a ko'eni. 'Oku 'ikai ko USA pe mo NZ 'oku na fai 'a e me'a ni. 'Oku fai ia 'ehe fonua kotoape 'i mamani. Tautefito ki he ngaahi fonua hau 'i mamani, kuo loa kaliu 'enau fakafanongo 'etau fanga ki'i me'a fakamotu si'i 'oku fai he pasifiki ... SAIA.