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Tonga has finally arrived !!

E Palo Alto,California, USA


"Malo 'aupito e ngaue ", You have done a great job enlightening us Tongans world wide of what is going on in our homeland . "Fakafeta'i", and thank you for your balanced reporting, visionary outlay, and popular portal for issues . This is my first foray into the public discussions and I am excited Tonga has finally arrived !!

1. The new 3 day legislature - A good thing. The Executive body need to get out there and WORK to balance the YAK. And I mean work by getting out there to the "system" and the "people", bend like the Savior ... " clean the feet.... tie the loose shoe laces .."., both the Ministers and the People's representatives.. The present degenerated system characterized by political gridlock and squabbling needs thorough overhaul. We do need a new crop of effective Leaders to handle reforms - both executive and legislative. Challenges of globalization demand change, thank you Sevele , Fisi'iahi and Akilisi...the system need a shake up, and the people are ready for it. No need telling one our internet kids and future generation will have already surpassed us adults.

2. Work the Visons...When I was in Tonga last, I saw the Crown Prince out there in Work fatigue infront of a Van ( instead of the regal backseat ) heading to a broken down powerline along Tofoa Taufa'ahau road stretch hit by a drunken driver . I recall a few years back one mother complaining the King took her son out to the "Vahanoa" and threw him in the ocean . I said "What on earth for ? "... " to draw our boundary lines with Fiji because the reef Minerva is now claimed by Fiji.".."And is you son alive or dead ? ' ALIVE' she said..." So youd rather that your son throw the King into the shark infested waters ?... my point, if the King were able to, he'd be out there in the Vahanoa... come on guys everyone , stop the YAK and get out there to real WORK !! empower everyone like the Minister of Finance's thesis.

Otherwise we will have a repeat of the "Walk out" no need telling one or the good Marine Captain and Taione that the only alternative then to bust !

3. Education... Please handle our Youth issues...everyone including the good " Faifekau" church ministers. Look for your lost sheep in your school systems , out in the bush and the streets, day and night ! Please count sheep not days for the Misinale and next Kaipola. The stress of overbearing kavenga is driving people to crimes and steal. We have to clean this mess up if we have to attract investors. Lessen the Kavenga and katoanga.

I am in Tonga as often as I can because I love my country , I contribute to family and causes the best I can as I am doing now, please lets all work together for the good of all... Mathew 12:25.

Much 'Ofa atu-ki-Tonga.

Tevita 'Ita Koloamatangi jr.,

matangi-tokelau2 [at] comcast [dot] net