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5.8 magnitude earthquake felt at Niuatoputapu

Nuku'alofa, Tonga

A 5.8 magnitude (Mw) earthquake was felt by the people of Niuatoputapu at 1:29pm today, 27 July 2023.

There was no tsunami threat or damage from the shallow earthquake at a depth pf 10km, located 109 km ESE of Hihifo, Niuatoputapu, the Tonga Geohazard Unit advised today.

155 earthquakes in June

In June there was a total of 155 seismic events between 4.0 and 7.2Mw in the Tonga region

Of these, 31 seismic events were over 5Mw. The strongest was 7.2Mw and there were 4 events over 6Mw.

Graph showing the daily number of seismic events in the Tonga region for June 2023. Graph: TGS

The Tonga Seismic Bulletin released by the Tonga Geological Services today reported that most of these events occurrred 250km South of Tongatapu from 16-20 June, in an area close to the Tonga Trench.

The 7.2Mw earthquake was felt on 16 June at 07:06am. It occurred at a depth of 175km, located 291km SSW of Nuku'alofa, Light shaking was felt in Tongatapu and 'Eua.

  • 155 Seismic events
  • 79 events occurrred 250km South of Tongatapu
  • Lowest magnitude was 4.0
  • Highest magnitude was 7.2
  • 1 event with 7+,
  • 4 events with 6+,
  • 26 events with 5+
  • Depth: 109 shallow events and 46 deep events
  • 2 days with no seismic event within our region
  • None of these events caused any damage or tsunami threats.

earthquakes south