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Results for Press Releases

Tuesday 30 September 2008
Pape'ete, Tahiti
Metropolitan France's financial police have since last week conducted a series of raids in French Polynesia, where the team is currently investigating on a series of cases, including one involving former President Gaston Flosse.
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Sunday 28 September 2008
Paris, France
Reporters Without Borders is very disturbed by this week's raid on the Canberra home of Phllip Dorling, a reporter for the Canberra Times daily, by federal police seeking classified defence documents cited in a story reporting that close allies Japan and South Korea were priority targets for Australia's spies as well as countries such as China and North Korea.
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Thursday 25 September 2008
Geneva, Switzerland
World Standards Day is celebrated each year on 14 October to pay tribute to the efforts of thousands of experts worldwide who collaborate within IEC, ISO and ITU to develop voluntary International Standards that facilitate trade, spread knowledge and disseminate technological advances.
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Tuesday 23 September 2008
Nadi, Fiji
The diredtor of Tonga's Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Forests and Fisheries Mr Penisimani Vea signed a project for the provision of urgent assistance to small farmers and poor food consumers totaling US$250 000.
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Tuesday 23 September 2008
Manila, Philippines
Asian Development Bank President Haruhiko Kuroda and Tonga Prime Minister Feleti Vaka'uta Sevele (during a short visit to Manila) discussed a wide range of economic issues including the impact of high oil and food prices on Tonga's economy.
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Sunday 21 September 2008
Auckland, New Zealand
The vulnerability of some Pacific Island states to military takeover is a prime motivation for regional forum leaders who are pushing so strongly for Fiji to return to democracy. Toke Talagi, who assumed chairmanship of the Pacific Islands Forum at its leaders' annual summit on Niue last month, believes forum member countries have to take a strong stand to dissuade any groups contemplating grabs for power. By John Andrews
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Friday 19 September 2008
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea's national government is set to launch its television station today, Sept 17, with broadcasting expected to start at 6pm until midnight on channel two.
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Tuesday 2 September 2008
Manila, Philippines
The Asian Development Bank ADB is strengthening its aid coordination and effectiveness in the Pacific islands through closer interaction with member governments and development partners.
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Friday 29 August 2008
Manila, Philippine
The report, published in a special chapter of Key Indicators 2008, the flagship annual statistical publication of the ADB, describes important methodological issues involved in generating internationally comparable estimates of poverty.
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Sunday 24 August 2008
Sydney, Australia
Finance ministers and central bank governors from the Pacific Islands will gather in Sydney on 25 to 26 August for a conference to highlight the importance of financial literacy in the region.
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Saturday 23 August 2008
Suva, Fiji
Regional media veteran Sean Dorney says the implication of Fiji's suspension from the Pacific Islands Forum if the worst case scenario happens was difficult to gauge because it had never happened before.
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Friday 22 August 2008
Auckland, New Zealand
The Auckland-based group Democracy for Fiji says New Zealand should continue with its firm stance on Fiji, reports Radio NZ International.
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Friday 22 August 2008
Suva, Fiji
Japan, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) are launching a major study which highlights the importance of expanding regional technical and vocational education and training programs in the Pacific Islands.
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Friday 15 August 2008
Washington, USA
An Army major pleaded guilty to bribery charges Wednesday and admitted he had a $5.8 million deal to steer military contracts for bottled water and other supplies to favored companies.
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Monday 11 August 2008
Suva, Fiji
Regional Office for the Pacific Saturday announced that 9th August is the International Day of the World's indigineous people. This is the first celebration of Indigenous People's day following the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2007. It is particularly important for the Pacific region which is inhabited by numerous indigenous populations.
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Monday 11 August 2008
Suva, Fiji
Fiji Media Council chairman Daryl Tarte has labelled the detainment of Fiji Times reporter Serafina Silaitoga as another blow to media freedom.
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Wednesday 6 August 2008
Rome, Italy
The tropical root crop cassava (manioke) could help protect the food and energy security of poor countries now threatened by soaring food and oil prices, FAO said today. At a global conference held in Ghent, Belgium, cassava scientists called for a significant increase in investment in research and development needed to boost farmers... yields and explore promising industrial uses of cassava, including production of biofuels.
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Wednesday 6 August 2008
Mexico City, Mexico
As delegates gather at the International AIDS Conference (3-8 August), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank today address the pressing global debate around health systems and initiatives in specific aspects of health, nutrition and population. Critics claim that disease-specific initiatives are eroding already weak health systems, while others assert that weak health systems are holding back progress in disease-specific initiatives. In an effort to gather evidence and provide technical guidance in this area, WHO and the World Bank have agreed to join forces in collaboration with a wide range of interested stakeholders including country officials, academic and research institutions, Global Health Initiatives and civil society organizations.
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Tuesday 5 August 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
After joint efforts by the Tongan High Commissioner in London and the German Ambassador in Wellington, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany has resolved that the remaining debt from the shipping loan of the Government of Tonga for the purchase of container ship "MV Fuakavenga" and inter-island ferry "MV Olovaha", in the amount of EURO 1.5 million (Tongan Pa'anga 4 million) will not have to be repaid to the German Development Bank.
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Monday 21 July 2008
Pago Pago, American Samoa
Around 2000 artists from 22 Pacific Island countries and territories will celebrate the official opening of the 10th Festival of Pacific Arts tomorrow in Pago Pago, American Samoa.
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