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Monday 16 March 2009
Christchurch, New Zealand
Gisbourne surfer Michael Burling (25) won the fifth event of the Hyundai Pro Longboard Tour completed at Whangamata yesterday (Sunday March 15 ) to become a major tour-title threat with only one event remaining.
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Sunday 15 March 2009
London, UK
The second largest shareholder in Independent News & Media (INM), telecoms magnate Denis O'Brien - whose Digicel mobile phone company has South Pacific interests - yesterday welcomed the appointment of Gavin O'Reilly as the group's new chief executive officer.
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Sunday 15 March 2009
Berlin, Germany
We have every confidence that you, together with your G-20 Summit colleagues, recognise not only the importance of heightened transparency and accountability, but also the need to assure the public that all action is grounded in integrity. Failure to restore trust will condemn the prospects of national economic stimulus programmes, however well-intentioned they may be. By Huguette Labelle
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Friday 13 March 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Reports from Tonga's newspapers, March 11-12, 2009. An English translation summary by Tevita Fonua.
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Friday 13 March 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Nuku‘alofa Supreme Court heard this morning that the accused Ha‘apai People's Representative Sione Teisina Fuko, admitted to a police investigator that his speech "may be" incited or encouraged disaffection.
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Friday 13 March 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
"I have made it clear in previous 16/11 cases that anyone who sets fire to a building or vehicle will go to prison even if they are first time offenders", Chief Justice Anthony Ford told Sione Mohuanga in sentencing him to two years in prison today.
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Friday 13 March 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Digicel customers will now be able to view the internet whilst on the go. With a GPRS handset, the user will be able to check email, browse their favourite websites, such as Matangitonga, Bebo, Google and many many more.
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Friday 13 March 2009
Canberra, Autralia
The discovery of Foa petroglyphs reminds us of the prolong regional inter- and intra-migration between the West and East of Oceania, and North and South, in a complex and pluralistic nature of opposite and reversible directions since the arrival of our Moanan ancestors from South-East Asia prior to the Birth of Christ (Vikings of the South Seas). Such Vikings were travelling back and forth between islands, even further to the South of the New World and islands like Tikopia to the North-West, at any time they wanted, for whatever purposes they might be, due to their familiarity in skills and wisdom with the know-how to adapt to nature and the sea in secure and safe strategies.
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Friday 13 March 2009
Kou lau hifo ho'o ongoongo ki he kau fakafoki atu ki Tonga 'oku kau ai e kau faihia fakapo (convicted murderers). 'Oku ki'i taka fakalilifu hono tukuange atu e fa'ahinga pehe ni ki Tonga. Kapau 'oku nau lava 'o fai he fonua lahi pea huanoa hake ki'i Tonga. - Pola Loiti
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Thursday 12 March 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A 25-year-old policeman Pilitati Ohi who fell from a coconut tree at the Vaini Police Station will never be able to walk again due to serious spinal injuries that have left him paralysed from the neck down.
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Thursday 12 March 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A new health initiative between the Ministry of Health and Tonga's churches aims to reduce non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, a major health issue for Tonga, where an estimated 40% of the population either have diabetes or are at risk of developing it.
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Thursday 12 March 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A crown witness told the Nuku'alofa Supreme Court, that if people were not urged to Pangai Si'i the events of November 16 would not have taken place.
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Wednesday 11 March 2009
New York, USA
Tongan women have made submissions to the Constitutional and Electoral Commission to incorporate gender perspective into Tonga's reform process, the Deputy Director of Women's Affairs, Polotu Fakafanua-Paunga, told the 53rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women, at the United Nations in New York on March 6.
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Wednesday 11 March 2009
New York, USA
In Pacific economies women's work in homes and communities is invisible or unaccounted for in formal economic equations. There is a need to recognise that a country's resources also include these human and community resources, Professor Marilyn Waring of New Zealand, said at the 53rd Commission on the Status of Women (CSW53) in New York.
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Tuesday 10 March 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A witness told the Nuku‘alofa Supreme Court today that on November 16, 2006 he saw and heard the accused Siale Fihaki's speech at Pangai Si'i, where he made reference to certain properties, shortly after they were damaged.
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Tuesday 10 March 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
There is a great need for assistance for the disabled in Tonga and a challenge remains to assist the caregivers of the disabled year-round, Salote Fukofuka told Tongan community leaders who gathered at a Prayer Breakfast on Sunday, March 8 for International Women's Day.
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Monday 9 March 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Bluewater Metals South Pacific Ltd, an Australian exploration company the newest in Tonga, will begin looking for high-grade copper-gold-zinc-silver deposits in our waters in the second half of this year.
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Monday 9 March 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Jacques Cartier, a Light Transport Landing Ship of the French Armed Forces is in Nuku'alofa on a friendly visit, during its regional patrol of the South Pacific waters.
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Monday 9 March 2009
Dubai, UAE
Tonga's National Seven a-side Rugby team, the Digicel Tonga 7, reached the Rugby 7's World Cup Plate Semi Finals to be defeated by Australia 19-22 in Dubai on March 7.
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Monday 9 March 2009
London, UK
This year the Commonwealth commemorates its foundation sixty years ago. The London Declaration of 1949 was the start of a new era in which our member countries committed themselves to work together, in partnership and as equals, towards a shared future.
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