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Wednesday 7 October 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Responding to an appeal for drinking water and blankets in the tsunami devastated island of Niuatoputapu, Air New Zealand in Nuku'alofa this afternoon handed over a shipment of bottled mineral water, blankets and overnight kits to the Tonga Red Cross.
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Wednesday 7 October 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The town of Pangai in Tonga's central Ha'apai Group of islands was hit by the September 30 tsunami, with the Police reporting damage to two houses, several boats and a wharf.
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Wednesday 7 October 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tonga Legislative Assembly will resume sitting on Thursday, October 8 after a two and a half weeks adjournment that allowed members to attend parliamentary meetings abroad, and extra time to to make a tsunami response.
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Tuesday 6 October 2009
Sydney, Australia
Thank you so much for your initiative to post on the Matangi Tonga News Online - "Tourteau, where are You?" - Madame Y. Robaux
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Tuesday 6 October 2009
Manila, Philippines
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will provide $1 million to support emergency relief efforts in Samoa, following last week's devastating tsunami which left close to 170 people dead and thousands homeless.
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Tuesday 6 October 2009
New York, USA
Tonga's Prime Minister Dr Feleti Sevele's speech at the UN General Assembly
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Tuesday 6 October 2009
Auckland, New Zealand
Your correspondents Kik Velt, Dan Clem and Paul Kidd have all helped us understand a lot more about tsunami and their potential to wreak havoc. What I have taken from their contributions is that mother nature has already provided a perfectly good warning system for tsunamis. It's called an earthquake. We continue to ignore this at our peril.- Sefita Hao'uli
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Tuesday 6 October 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga was in ninth position at the final medal tally of the 8th South Pacific Mini Game which ended at Rarotonga, Cook Islands on October 2.
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Sunday 4 October 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The names of the nine people who died from the Tsunami that struck Niuatoputapu on Wednesday morning, September 30 was released by the Prime Minister's Office last night.
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Saturday 3 October 2009
Pangai, Ha'apai
All theoretical information aside, when the tsunami wave struck Niuatoputapu, it resulted in seven or more deaths, and significant damage to the village. On the island of Lifuka, in Ha'apai, there was far more damage than "minor flooding." The initial tsunami wave itself was about one meter in height, followed by several waves of lesser height. The subsequent turbulence and the rapidly shifting currents in the Pangai harbor resulted in the sinking of 2 fishing boats, and the grounding of several others. - Tama Pangai
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Saturday 3 October 2009
The Princess Regent, Her Royal Highness, Princess Salote Mafile‘o Pilolevu Tuita, departed Nuka‘alofa at 10.00am this morning on a chartered flight for Niuatoputapu. She was accompanied by the Hon Acting Prime Minister, Lord Tuita, as well as the Hon Minister for Environment, Lord Ma‘afu.
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Saturday 3 October 2009
While it is true that in the deep ocean a tsunami's wavelength is so broad that the wave's height is almost imperceptible, we all know that many small Pacific islands are barely above sea level, and many do not have the sheer drop-offs to the seafloor that would prevent a tsunami from slowing down and rearing up into a very perceptible and very dangerous wave. Both of these traits mean that tsunamis can be dangerous to many Pacific islands, whether the tsunami begins nearby or far away. -Dan Clem
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Friday 2 October 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Revi, a French Navy Ship is the first to arrive in Nuku‘alofa to assist in transporting much needed supplies to Niuatoputapu following the tsunami disaster that struck the island on Wednesday, September 30.
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Friday 2 October 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Nine people have been confirmed dead at Niuatoputapu tsunami disaster which struck the island early on Wednesday morning, September 30 Lt Commander Solomone Savelio announced in a media briefing this morning, Oct 2 at Sene, the Tonga Defence Service headquarter.
Friday 2 October 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The first public hearing of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the sinking of the MV Ashika ferry was held on October 1 at the Fa'onelua Convention Centre.
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Friday 2 October 2009
San Diego-California, USA
Si'i fakaa'u atu mu'a 'a e lotu hufia 'o kinautolu Tonga pehe ki hotau kainga Ha'amoa ne si'i ma'ungatamaki 'e he Sunami, ki he Mafi 'o Pangopango pehe ki he Tonga kotoa 'i Ha'amoa 'oku 'iai 'a e faka'amu ne mou hao 'i he fakatamaki ne hoko. 'Oku tau 'ilo'i kotoa pe kapau ne hoko 'a me'a ni 'i Tonga 'e toe fakamamahiange.-Lou 'Uhila
Friday 2 October 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The recent red wave (or tidal wave) in Tonga will of course rake up the discussion again whether Tonga should spend money on an early warning system. My answer is clearly and definitely: no; as is very obvious if one considers the physical properties of red waves, which apparently are not very well known.- Firitia (Kik Velt)
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Thursday 1 October 2009

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The island of Niuatoputapu in northern Tonga was severely damaged by tsunami waves early yesterday morning, September 30, 2009, following an 8.1 earthquake between northern Tonga and Samoa. Photos by Pesi Fonua.
Thursday 24 September 2009
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Random house has finally given us two versions of a dictator. However we are still to hear from Mr Fale which definition leads his argument, because the second version is arguably applicable if for example Bainimarama did things like withholding health services and medicines to a certain region of the country that opposes him which then led to people there dying from preventable diseases. Corruption, nepotism and murder of minorities and political opponents are obvious weapons of choice that he will also not sit and twiddle his fingers on. - Sam Tupou
Thursday 24 September 2009
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Mr Kava claims some dictators are suitable for some countries (Democracy...23 Sep 2009), and would Mr. Kava like to be forced to live in one of those countries ruled by a dictator? - Sione Mokofisi
