Britain's Princess Royal, HRH Princess Anne arrived at Tonga's Fua'amotu International Airport on Air New Zealand's flight from Auckland at 12:30 am today, Saturday, on a four-day Emerging Pacific Leaders Dialogue 2010, a regional leadership development program.
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Saturday 20 March 2010
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga

Friday 19 March 2010
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Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Kuo si'i hanu 'a Samiu Sika 'o tukuaki'i e "kau muli . . . neongo e tonu mo e lelei ange 'a e Tonga," 'i he 'ene tohi (Komisoni . . . 15 Mar 2010). -Sione Akemeihakau Mokofisi

Wednesday 17 March 2010
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The new German Ambassador to Tonga HE Mr Thomas Meister presented his Letters of Credence to HM King George Tupou V at the Consular House yesterday afternoon, March 16.

Wednesday 17 March 2010
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's Foreign Reserves fell by $7.3 million to $153.5 million in February, mainly due to a large official capital outflow that was used for the repayment of foreign currency loans.

Tuesday 16 March 2010
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Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Tribute was made to the contribution of the late Dr Hu'akavameiliku by Mr. Murray Proctor, AusAID's HIV Ambassador at the first Pacific launch of the report "Turning the Tide: An OPEN strategy for a response to AIDS in the Pacific" that took place here in Papua New Guinea on Thursday 11 March 2010. Dr. Hu'akavameiliku was the Chairman of the Commission of AIDS in the Pacific when work began on this report. - 'Amelia Kinahoi-Siamomua.

Monday 15 March 2010
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The legal counsel to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the sinking of the MV Princess Ashika made their final oral submissions on Friday evening, March 12 at the Fa'onelua Convention Centre.

Monday 15 March 2010
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A contract for the construction of a $900,000 police station at Vaini was signed by the acting Minister of Police, Hon Dr Viliami Tangi and the Country Manager for Fletcher Royco Construction Company, Gary Martin, at the Police Headquarter, Longolongo on Friday, March 12.

Monday 15 March 2010
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
$11 million pa'anga for the installation of new Solar Home Systems in eleven remote island communities in Vava'u and two islands off Tongatapu was committed by the Government of Japan to Tonga last week.

Monday 15 March 2010
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Government of Japan has donated $640,000 pa'anga for the construction of new facilities at Niu'eiki Hospital, 'Eua, and the upgrading of water supply systems for villages in Vava'u.

Monday 15 March 2010
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Kataki pe mu'a kae tuku atu e ki'i fakamalo tu'a ni ki he Palemia pea mo e pule'anga Tonga koe'uhii ko ho'omou loto lahi mo tau'ataina kae fokotu'u e Komisoni ki he Ashika. Ne mahino pe mei Falealea ne 'i ai e loto 'o e Fale ke 'i ai pe ha'anau Komisoni ka ko ho'omou loto lahi ne fokotu'u ai e Komisoni. -Samiu

Monday 15 March 2010
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London, UK
Ms. Mallaney's letter hits it on the nail. The PM says it is 'individuals' faults and weakness rather than a system that is getting corrupt year by year. -William Mariner

Monday 15 March 2010
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Sydney, Australia
Thirty Australian unions and community groups today asked the Trade Minister to safeguard the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, Australian local content in media, regulation of GE food, regulation of foreign investment and industry policies that support local employment in the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) negotiations which start on Monday March 15.

Monday 15 March 2010
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Port Vila, Vanuatu
IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, today launched a series of reports indicating that Pacific business women need better access to information and knowledge- sharing opportunities on business formalities to realize their full economic potential and contribute to their countries' national development.

Sunday 14 March 2010
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Salt Lake City-Utah, USA
May I ask Mr. Chan: Must our social duties to strengthen national security, people's safety, and national economic stability be trusted to untested personal opinions? How many opinions are out there, and whose opinion shall we rely upon? - Sione Akemeihakau Mokofisi

Sunday 14 March 2010
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Pago Pago, American Samoa
Norah Mallany calls it the way Inspector General's would, based on evidences at hand. Mokofisi, just couldn't realize that he got on a broken wagon, and never made it out of the dark. Siaosi Fatani is having a tough time making sense out of all of this because there is no-sense in it especially after Mr. Senituli muddied the water with defensive non-essentials avoiding the main issue. -Mafi 'o Amerika Samoa

Saturday 13 March 2010
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Noumea, New Caledonia
Twenty scientists gathered recently at an International Tuna Tagging Workshop held at the Secretariat of the Pacific Community's (SPC) headquarters in New Caledonia. The world's largest ever tuna tagging project has released over 250,000 tagged tuna into the equatorial Western and Central Pacific Ocean and 35,000 tags have already been recovered. The data being collected will help in sustaining and protecting the world's largest resource of tuna.

Friday 12 March 2010
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The final session of the Tonga Legislative Assembly under its current composition has been unofficially set for early April, but this date has yet to be confirmed.

Friday 12 March 2010
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Hong Kong, China
I would not discredit Ms. Mallaney's letter entirely our focus should lie heavily with ensuring that we have all the available safety-nets in place (be it in a policy, process, system or others) thus ensuring that we can minimize the chances of a similar tragedy going forward. -Siaosi Lee Chan

Thursday 11 March 2010
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The first International Conference for Tongan Nurses was officially opened by HM the Queen Mother Halaevalu Mata'aho, at the Janfull International Dateline Hotel yesterday evening, March 10.

Thursday 11 March 2010
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Britain's Princess Royal, HRH Princess Anne (59), will visit Tonga from March 20-23 to attend part of the study tour program of the Emerging Pacific Leaders Dialogue 2010, a regional leadership development program.