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Friday 2 July 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Yesterday on Tonga television we heard about a nuclear program in Tonga. No, Please! The Nuclear power is highly dangerous and doesn't really improve in any way the actual situation of the country. - Corinna Langi.
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Thursday 1 July 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Faced with continuing drops in remittances and two years of negative growth, Tonga's financial planners have turned to aid donors to support the national budget for the new financial year 2010-11, in order to meet a current deficit of $12.1 million pa'anga, as well as multi-million pa'anga development budget needs.
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Thursday 1 July 2010
Salt Lake City-Utah, USA
It is clear that Tongan leaders are neither bringing the Aristotlean Participatory Democracy model known as "the rule of the many." Nor do they plan for a Representative Democracy model (egalitarianism). - Sione Akemeihakau Mokofisi.
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Thursday 1 July 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's Miss Galaxy Queen Pageant a colourful annual event will this year showcase on July 7-9, ten contestants vying for the title.
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Thursday 1 July 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
THE eyes of the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai, China would focus on Tonga for its National Day Celebration on August 2, at the Pacific Pavilion.
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Thursday 1 July 2010
Pangai, Ha'apai
Farewell pay-off? Shame on you! If MPs were paid 10 times the per capita income of the average Tongan citizen, that would only amount to half of what they are being paid now. In other words, MPs are now making at least 20 times the per capita income. And for what? - P. A. Langi.
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Wednesday 30 June 2010
Paris, France
Commodore Frank Bainimarama, Reporters Without Borders strongly condemns your decision to promulgate the Media Industry Development Decree yesterday, as it marks a dangerous step backwards for press freedom and media development in Fiji.
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Wednesday 30 June 2010
Your June 29, 2010, article "MPs plead for "farewell pay-off" before November election" has just solidified my perception that these so-called public servants in our Parliament are leeches in human form. They have no shame in asking for a "farewell pay-off" for their non-performance of their fiduciary duties to the people of the kingdom. - TamaFoa.
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Wednesday 30 June 2010
Neiafu, Vava'u
Ko e Takimamata pe 'e taha 'a e industry 'e mo'ui 'i hono langa 'i he fonua ni , pea 'e lava 'e he industry ko'eni 'o fakatupu pe langa hake ha ngaue'anga, ke ma'u faingamalie mei ai 'a e kakai kotoa pe 'o e fonua. - Paula K. Kava.
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Tuesday 29 June 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The first and historical summit between the 21 Arab League countries and 12 Pacific Island States was devoted to "Prospects for Cooperation between the Arab world and the Pacific Islands" and held in Abu Dhabi on Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th June, 2010. It was a unique and historic occasion for dialogue between the League of Arab States and the Pacific Islands, sharing perspectives on the current and future challenges faced by the respective regions.
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Tuesday 29 June 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A plea by the Niua People's Representative, Sione Feingatau 'Iloa for the Prime Minister, Dr Feleti Sevele to remunerate elected members when they leave parliament in September was objected to by the Minister of Justice as an inappropriate use of government money, but other members supported the request. From the House Premium Content.
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Tuesday 29 June 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's annual Heilala Festival marks its 30th anniversary this year, and a special anniversary program on July 16 at the International Dateline Hotel his planned to showcase highlights of past festivals.
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Tuesday 29 June 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Two male persons have been charged with unlawful possession of firearms, namely a .38 revolver and .9mm handgun, seized near the Mala'e'aloa Cemetery on Vuna Road on Sunday, June 27.
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Tuesday 29 June 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
THE Tongan Court of Appeal 2010 Session, which begins next week July 5-14 will hear 17 appeal cases, including an appeal against lashing sentences imposed for theft convictions.
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Tuesday 29 June 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Three people have been charged in relation to an armed robbery that took place at the Cowley Bakery in Nukunuku where about $9,000 cash was stolen on Friday, June 18.
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Tuesday 29 June 2010
Sydney, Australia
By Adam Freier. My new comrade, the ever-positive curly-haired kid, was quickly becoming my newest mate and inspiration. His name was George Smith. Rugby was just a game, and a game to always enjoy. And we did and we both made the Australian schoolboys Test versus New Zealand few days later. What I learnt from George was to be yourself; to not let the game rule you and determine your happiness. The lesson George taught me was to cherish every opportunity that comes your way. Who knows where it will take you?
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Monday 28 June 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Rev Dr 'Ahio has been elected for the second time as the President of the Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga during the 87th Free Wesleyan Church Annual Conference at the Centenary Church, Saione.
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Monday 28 June 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The 2010 Heilala Block Party will be a night to remember. New Zealand's very own "Three Houses Down" will be landing in the Kingdom Wednesday 14th July 2010 as part of their "Keep your Culture Tour" supported by Mr Alfred 'Aholelei aka DJ AlGoodie. Tour organisers Radio Nuku'alofa 88.6 FM and Kaimai Burgers have collaborated for the band to perform a free concert at the Heilala Block Party Friday 16th July 2010.
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Sunday 27 June 2010
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
Posoa, I sense from your language that you are talking down at soccer. The sport you are mocking at was brought to the kingdom by the late King Taufa'ahu Tupou IV. You belong to a minority group of soccer haters because this sport is "numero uno" in the world. Your ignorance of the sport is due to your lack of talent. - 'Aisea T. Tu'ikolovatu.
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Sunday 27 June 2010
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
The African, Caribbean and Pacific ACP Group with its principal development partner, the European Union, today signed the second five-yearly review of the Cotonou Agreement in a historic event in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
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