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Wednesday 30 March 2011
Suva, Fiji
PACIFIC Island countries and territories are challenged by the necessity to update their maps to reflect the current day realities.
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Wednesday 30 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
His Excellency Mr. Shemi Tzur, Israel Ambassador to the Kingdom Tonga will be in Nuku'alofa from 28th to 30th March to present his Letters of Credence to His Majesty King George Tupou V, on Tuesday 29th March 2011. - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Defence.
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Tuesday 29 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The seven jurors in the MV Princess Ashika trial are expected to retire tomorrow afternoon, March 30.
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Tuesday 29 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Mr Justice Robert Shuster in his final summing up of the Ashika trial on March 29 directed jurors that "who to blame for this tragic incident" was not for their consideration because their focus must be based entirely on evidence presented in court in relation to the charges faced by the five defendants.
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Tuesday 29 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
On Friday March 18th, members from key Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) united and agreed to convey their support for the significant commitments shown by the Police Commissioner for the CSO sector with the submission of a letter to the Prime Minister and Ministry of Police. - CSOs.
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Tuesday 29 March 2011
Tokyo, Japan
I would like to express my most sincere appreciation for the condolences and assistance Japan has received from approximately 130 countries, more than 30 international organizations, and people all around the world in response to the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake. - Naoto Kan, Prime Minister of Japan.
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Tuesday 29 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A high level delegation from the Government of Tonga left the Kingdom on Friday, March 25 to attend the First General Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE).
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Monday 28 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
THE Government of Tonga and the Tonga Red Cross Society made cash donations totalling $247,020 last week to assist the victims of Japan's earthquakes and devastating tsunami on March 11, 2011.
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Monday 28 March 2011
Auckland, New Zealand
The Police Commissioner has a to win the confidence of the public in the Police Force and promotion based on merits rather than seniority, Independent Disciplinary Tribunal rather than Internal Tribunal and setting proper professional conduct are the means to win public confidence in the Police Force. - Sione Fonua, Langafonua Tu'uloa Party.
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Monday 28 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
New Zealand has committed NZD$5.8 million dollars to fund a major upgrade of electricity distribution networks in 17 rural villages in Tongatapu that would improve the lives of some 10,000 people by providing a safe and reliable electricity supply.
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Monday 28 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A grant assistance of USD$365,810 was committed by the Japanese Ambassador HE Mr Yasuo Takase on March 25, to fund five community projects in Tonga.
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Monday 28 March 2011
New Zealand
The Pacific is continuing to lead the world towards abolishing the death penalty, Amnesty International revealed today in its new report, 'Death Sentences and Executions in 2010'. Only four Pacific nations still retain the death penalty in their laws (Papua New Guinea, Nauru, Tonga and Fiji)- Rebecca Emery, Amnesty International.
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Saturday 26 March 2011
Tokyo, Japan
Tongan rugby players Lata Taniela Lui and Piei Mafile'o who survived the tsunami that devastated Kamaishi, Japan on March 11, will go to New Zealand next week to continue their training.
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Saturday 26 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A petition filed to government by 150 police officers who were unhappy with police reforms, was sent back to them by the Tongan Cabinet on March 25, because the petitioners did not follow the processes available to them under the law.
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Friday 25 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Holding up photographs of welding damage and holes in the hull, the Crown Prosecutor 'Aminiasi Kefu told a jury that the MV Princess Ashika was grossly unseaworthy and should never have been sent or taken to sea with passengers and cargo onboard; and he asked: "How could they disregard this, would you disregard this?."
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Friday 25 March 2011
'Okalani, Nu'usila
Ne te'eki tu'otaha ke u faka'ikai'i 'a e lelei 'a e ngaue kuo fakahoko 'e he Komisiona Polisi mo 'ene Potungaue. 'Ikai 'aupito. Ko 'eku faka'amu ke nau fokotu'u ha'anau kautaha ke nau fakahoko 'a e ngaahi alea pehe ni kae tu'u tau'ataina e kau Polisi ke fakahoko honau fatongia.- Dr Fotu K.V. Fisi'iahi.
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Friday 25 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
When Tonga's new Police Commissioner Chris Kelley took on the job of police commander two and a half years ago he began cleaning up the force, calling on the public to be part of the process of restoring trust and confidence in their police.
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Thursday 24 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga is at high risk of debt distress and cannot afford to take on more borrowing, according to an Asian Development Bank report that was released this month.
Thursday 24 March 2011
Erskineville, NSW,Australia
The Constitution of the Office of Chief Trade Adviser (OCTA) was the main point of contention at the Forum Trade officials meeting in Palau last week, with Australia calling for a delay in the establishment of OCTA as an independent legal entity. - Aid Watch, Action on Aid, Trade and Debt.
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Thursday 24 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
'Oku 'ikai te u tui tatau pea mo Dr. Fisi'iahi ki hano fokotu'u 'o e kautaha ki he kau Polisi koe'uhi ko 'enau ta'efiemalie. 'Oku hanga 'e he tohi ni 'o fakaha mai heni e mamaha 'o e fakakaukau 'a Dr. Fisi'iahi pea mo e si'i 'ene 'ilo ki he lao mo e kakano 'o e ngaue mo e fatongia ko ia 'o e Komisiona Polisi. - Samiu Sika.
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