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Sunday 7 August 2011
San Diego,USA
Sio ki he 'enau ta'eufi 'ikai ke nau toe fie hoko atu konituleki 'a e palangi kae ngaue'aki pa'anga tokoni ne ha'u mo e palangi ke fai'aki e ngaue?. Mou hange tofu pe ko e kau kilia 'i he toko hongofulu ne ma'a honau kili, 'ikai ha hounga mo toka'i 'a e mana kuo fai ki he 'enau mo'ui. - Lou 'Uhila.
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Sunday 7 August 2011
Kotu, Ha'apai
Two years ago today, a floating coffin was sent out from Nuku'alofa, which resulted in the death of 74 of our kainga. Today again is a very sad day for the people of Tonga and its police force as Commissioner Kelley leaves the country under some controversial circumstances as challenged by the Lord Privy Seal. - Pita Taufatofua.
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Friday 5 August 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tongan parliament continues to have procedural problems, with members not following the Rules of Procedure of the Tonga Legislative Assembly. On July 26 a muddled call for the resignation of the Speaker was just another example. - From the House, by Pesi Fonua
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Friday 5 August 2011
Auckland, New Zealand
Since the appointment of Commander Chris Kelley, and based on public perception of his impeccable performance, he has been instrumental in restoring both local and overseas faith in local law and order - the foundation that must be laid before any society can talk prosperity. - E.L. Saafi.
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Friday 5 August 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tonga Legislative Assembly was adjourned this week until Monday August 8 to allow members of parliament to work on regulations and bills handed down from Parliament for consideration by various Standing Committees.
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Friday 5 August 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A by-election to elect a new People's Representative for Tongatapu No. 9 will be held on September 15, the Electoral Supervisor Pita Vuki told Matangi Tonga Online on August 3.
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Thursday 4 August 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's National Rugby team 'Ikale Tahi has begun training at Teufaiva Stadium ahead of the two-pre Rugby World Cup test matches with the Flying Fijians in Fiji on on August 12 and 22.
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Wednesday 3 August 2011
The Kingdom of Tonga can now say goodbye to a transparent, publicly trusted and efficiently run Police Ministry when Commissioner Chris Kelley leaves on Friday 5th, August 2011. - Daniel K. Fale.
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Wednesday 3 August 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The New Zealand Government has become the first donor to pledge budget support to Tonga, when the New Zealand High Commissioner HE Dr Jonathan Austin and Tonga's Minister of Finance Hon Sunia Fili, signed a Letter of Intent for the provision of $3 million in Nuku'alofa today, August 3.
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Wednesday 3 August 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A proposal by Cabinet that would deprive the King in Council of certain powers of appointment has been strongly challenged by the Lord Privy Seal this evening, in a statement that says Cabinet is acting outside of the law in not renewing Police Commissioner Kelley's contract.
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Wednesday 3 August 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
His Majesty in Council was at no time consulted by either the Police Minister or the Prime Minister with regard to their decision to act independently of the provisions of the law by not renewing the contract of the Police Commissioner Commander Kelley. - Lord Privy Seal.
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Wednesday 3 August 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Minister of Police, Hon. Dr Viliami Latu, said yesterday that he, as Minister of Police, would become Tonga's Acting Police Commissioner, when the Police Commissioner, Chris Kelley vacates his post on Friday, August 5.
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Wednesday 3 August 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga has so much to be proud of in its education system, the Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia HE Ms Quentin Bryce said in visiting the Nuku'alofa Government Primary School on August 2.
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Tuesday 2 August 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
HM King George Tupou V's official birthday today, August 1, was celebrated with a public holiday and the King attended a military parade at Pangai Lahi.
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Monday 1 August 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A colourful float parade with the newly crowned Miss Heilala 2011-12 Liberty Afeaki concluded the annual Heilala Festival and Miss Heilala Pageant in Nuku'alofa today, with thousands of people lining Taufa'ahau Road to enjoy the display.
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Monday 1 August 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Thousands of spectators filled the grandstand at Teufaiva Stadium on Sunday evening for the annual "One Tonga - Glorifying God in Song" concert, this year attracting 19 youth choirs who filled the night with praise.
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Monday 1 August 2011
Wellington,New Zealand
Gerard Otimi was sentenced at the Manukau District Court today to 18 months in jail after being convicted of 38 charges of altering a document with intent to cause loss. Under the scam overstayers paid Otimi $500 for a stamp and a certificate. Department of Labour.
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Sunday 31 July 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
To the Returning Officer of the Electoral District of Tongatapu: I command that you do cause an election to be held according to the law of a successor to sit and vote in the Legislative as Representative of the People for the Electoral Constituency of Tongatapu No. 9 and that you make return to me of the name of such member when so elected. – Lord Tu'I'afitu.
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Sunday 31 July 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Liberty Afeaki (23) was crowned Miss Heilala 2011-12 by Prince Tungi on Friday night, 29 July at the International Dateline Hotel.
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Friday 29 July 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A talent show with contemporary island creations and colourful sarong swimwear, modeled by the five Miss Heilala contestants, was held on Thursday evening, their last appearance before tonight's Miss Heilala 2011-12 crowning.
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