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Tuesday 13 March 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Twelve former employees of the Westpac Bank of Tonga, Nuku'alofa Branches who have been charged with multiple counts of embezzlement were released on bail by Magistrate Salesi Mafi yesterday, March 12.
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Tuesday 13 March 2012

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga High School Ex-students Association aims to raise $1 million to mark the 65th anniversary of Tonga High School THS on July 4, by charging ex-student to put their names on their Memorial Wall.
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Monday 12 March 2012
London, United Kingdom
One of the great benefits of today's technology-based world is the range of opportunities it offers to understand and appreciate how others live: we can see, hear and enter into the experience of people in communities and circumstances far removed from our own. - Elizabeth R
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Monday 12 March 2012

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The winners of the Westpac 2012 essay competition on the theme 'Which girl or woman, past or present inspires you and why' were awarded with $4600 cash prizes on Thursday, March 8.
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Sunday 11 March 2012
Geneva, Switzerland
Mr Alex Kerangpuna of Papua New Guinea PNG has commenced work as Trade Policy Officer based in the Office of the Delegation of the Pacific Islands Forum PIF to the World Trade Organisation WTO in Geneva, Switzerland. - Pacific Islands Forum.
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Sunday 11 March 2012
Suva, Fiji
Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama, the self-appointed Prime Minister of the Republic of Fiji, will officially opened the Pacific Islands News Association PINA's 2012 Pacific Media Summit on Tuesday, March 27 at the Lagoon Resort, Pacific Harbour, Fiji.
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Sunday 11 March 2012

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints LDS have more schools in Tonga than anywhere else in the world, the Commissioner of the LDS Church Education System, Elder Paul V. Johnson told Matangi Tonga during a one-day stop over in Tonga to attend the annual conference of Pacific Principals' of LDS church schools at Liahona on March 8.
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Saturday 10 March 2012

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tongan government has launched new initiatives in its campaign to end violence against women and girls, the Solicitor General, 'Aminiasi Kefu told a gathering to celebrate the International Women's Day 2012 on Thursday, March 8.
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Thursday 8 March 2012
Lord Tu'ivakano and Betty Blake

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A new FM radio station, 98FM, the Le'o 'o e Kakai (Voice of the People) will start broadcasting on March 12 from the Ma'a Fafine mo e Famili centre, Fasi, Nuku'alofa.
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Thursday 8 March 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A Special Investigation Task Force of the Tongan Police is investigating an embezzlement network at the Nuku'alofa Branch of the Westpac Bank of Tonga, the Acting Police Commissioner Taniela Faletau said that ten former employees have been charged with multiple counts of embezzlement, the highest number of employees to be charged with crime against one private company in Tonga.
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Wednesday 7 March 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tonga Cabinet has approved the establishment of a Renal Dialysis Unit at the Vaiola Hospital, the Minister of Health Hon. 'Uliti Uata said at Vaiola Hospital yesterday, March 6, but on the condition that there would be public consultation on the subject and public participation in the running of the unit.
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Tuesday 6 March 2012
Loto Tonga, Tonga
The clash between the Tonga and Samoa women's soccer teams at Loto Tonga this afternoon, as expected was a hard-fought encounter between the two Polynesian sports rivals, but Tonga got the game under control from kick off and the score was 6-1 at the break.
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Monday 5 March 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga A ended the Australian series winless, with two losses and its final match cancelled due to bad weather, during the first leg of the IRB Pacific Rugby Cup Tournament 2012.
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Monday 5 March 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's Court of Appeal session on April 16-20 will hear 10 appeals, mostly land and civil cases which will be confirmed prior to the start of the session.
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Monday 5 March 2012
Nevada, USA
Hindus have cautiously welcomed new directive of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) that "Those whose names are submitted for proxy temple ordinances should be related to the submitter".
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Saturday 3 March 2012
United Nations, New York, USA
There is continuing hardship facing rural and outer island communities in Tonga, at a time when declining foreign remittances have reduced household incomes, a United Nations Commission the Status of Women, heard yesterday March 2.
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Saturday 3 March 2012
Ma'ufanga, Tonga
To those of us here in Tonga who have been affected by redevelopment contract administration, the whole episode reeks of a cover up and manipulated contract awards, so Dr [Teena] Brown Pulu's claim of unsubstantiated allegations is likely to be challenged on several fronts. - Henry Garrahy.
Saturday 3 March 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Ita, a new English newspaper was launched by the owner Joseph Ramanlal and the guest of honor, the Minister of Police Hon Lisiate 'Akolo, at Longolongo yesterday afternoon, March 2.
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Friday 2 March 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The long awaited report of a Parliamentary Select Committee on how the Nuku'alofa Development Corporation NDC administered and spent the TOP$118 million loan from China for the reconstruction of Nuku'alofa, is still being prepared, according to Dr Sitiveni Halapua, a member of the Select Committee.
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Friday 2 March 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The formation of a new organization to support Tongan women in business has been "a challenging and exciting journey culminating in the establishment of our organization, WISE - Women in Sustainable Enterprises with 166 registered members," the President Robina Nakao, told the first Annual General Meeting of WISE Tonga Inc. on March 1.
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