The Government of Japan has committed three grant aid projects aimed to improve the waste management and water supply system, while extending the nationwide early warning system in Tonga. The grant aid projects formalized today, will not only help clean up the rubble and debris after the disaster but also establish better recycling, including scrapped cars. There will also be better water supply systems in the outer islands and the nationwide early warning system project will be completed.
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Results for waste management
Friday 12 August 2022
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga

Wednesday 16 May 2018
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Neiafu, Vava'u
Keep Vava’u clean and beautiful by keeping the environment clean, was the message HE Ms Tiffany Babington, New Zealand High Commissioner to Tonga, emphasized in a speech at the official opening of the 3Rs Waste Minimization Promotion and Proper Waste Management Project in Neiafu, Vava’u, on 14 May.

Tuesday 24 April 2018
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
New solar power generation for the people of Pangaimotu and ‘Otea Islands in Vava’u was commissioned on April 19, by the Japanese Ambassador HE Tetsuya Ishii.

Monday 19 October 2015
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Apia, Samoa
Kiribati hosts Pacific Island representatives to discuss hazard waste management this week, October 19-22 as part of the PacWaste project.

Friday 16 January 2015
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The completion of a second phase of development of the Tapuhia Landfill, costing $2.7 million pa'anga, was marked with a handing-over ceremony at Tapuhia rubbish dump on January 13.

Monday 24 May 2010
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The issue of waste management for Small Island Pacific nations is a highly challenging one and is no stranger to Tongan shores

Wednesday 23 May 2007
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Waste Authority Ltd have commenced the official household waste collection yesterday, May 22 in the areas of Kolomotu'a, Sopu and 'Isileli.

Saturday 18 June 2005
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Work on the new Tongatapu land-fill Rubbish Dump, officially started on June 15 with the signing of $460,000 working contract by John Gildea for the Solid Waste Management Project and Sione Tafolo of the Tafolo Quarry.