There will be no reduction in the size of Tonga's civil service in the 2012-13 budget, according to Tonga's Prime Minister Lord Tu'ivakano, whose new government, this year supported with a foreign aid-funded budget lifeline, hopes to advance Tonga's political and economic development, somehow, during its remaining three years term in office. By Pesi Fonua.
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Results for Tonga
Tuesday 27 December 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
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Monday 19 December 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Mangoes are slowly ripening-up on trees under the hot December sun, but despite what appears to be an abundant mango season, fewer mangoes will be left for humans after the C.g. fungus spoils flowers and premature fruit, and the flying foxes or fruit bats (pekas) take their share of what is left. Agricultural expert, Semisi Pone, reveals why the season of fruitfulness in Tonga is not what it used to be, and the serious threat posed by a fruit fungus.
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Saturday 17 December 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The 78th birthday of HM the Emperor of Japan was celebrated in Tonga with a reception hosted by the Japanese Ambassador to Tonga, HE Mr Yasuo Takase on the evening of December 15 at his residence in 'Anana.
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Friday 2 December 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Government Secondary Schools, Tonga High School and Tonga College held their prize giving ceremonies this week, concluding the 2011 academic year for schools in Tonga.
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Thursday 24 November 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Okinawa Traditional Performing Arts Tour from Japan visited Tonga on the last leg of a South Pacific Tour, presenting a free performance at the Queen Salote Memorial Hall in Nuku'alofa on November 23.
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Thursday 24 November 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Awards for achievement in non-formal studies of tourism, hospitality, music, entertainment, and dance were made by the 'Unuaki 'o Tonga Royal Institute at their annual prize giving ceremony on November 19, 2011. The Director of the institute, 'Akosita Havili Lavulavu said that the motto of the 'Unuaki 'o Tonga Royal Institute UTRI, "Education for All" and its mission to "Move Tonga Forward", were being realized through the increased participation of young Tongans in non-formal education.
Saturday 5 November 2011
Neiafu, Vava'u
Vaitai Havea (16) is the 2011 dux of the Saineha High School, Vava'u, announced during the school's annual prize-giving ceremony on October 30.
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Saturday 5 November 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
One year on from last November's general election that heralded political reform, it is timely to look closely at how Tongas new government is shaping-up during the first year of its four-year term in office. Editor's Comment FROM OUR ARCHIVES
Tuesday 20 September 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Rev Luke Sikalu (72) the President of the Tonga Konisitutone Church died at his home at Pahu in Nuku'alofa on Monday September 19.
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Tuesday 9 August 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
New ownership of the Royal International Hotel near Tonga's Fua'amotu International Airport was announced by the Managing Director of the Scenic Hotel Group, Brendan Taylor in Tonga on 8 August.
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Friday 22 July 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A six-member delegation from the French Senate visited Tonga for the first time this week to learn first hand about Tonga's political, economic social and cultural life.
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Wednesday 20 July 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
New Zealand has committed TOP$3 million pa'anga to assist community development programs in Tonga's remote outer island communities through MORDI Tonga Trust whose target is to fight against poverty through provision of skills training and community projects.
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Friday 15 July 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Dilated Nu a five-member Japanese hip hop dance group based in Sydney, Australia arrive in Tonga on July 19 on a three day tour that includes a performance at the Heilala Festival Block Party next week.
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Thursday 7 July 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's capital Nuku'alofa had a sleepy day today with government schools and the central market closed and few people returning to work, following this morning's tsunami alert and warning for Tonga.
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Wednesday 6 July 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Lord Fulivai has been appointed by King George Tupou V as the new Governor of Vava'u, effective from July 1.
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Wednesday 29 June 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Major Loic Davaillon French Defence Attache to Fiji and Tonga visited Nuku'alofa to represent France in the planning meeting for the Military Exercise "Tafakula" to be held in Tongatapu in August.
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Friday 10 June 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Fiji's Lieutenant Colonel Ratu Tevita Uluilakeba Mara has left Tonga on a commercial flight for Australia, apparently on Thursday, June 9.
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Thursday 2 June 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Members of the 'Ikale Tahi, Tonga's national rugby team for the Churchill Cup Tournament in the UK will assemble in London tomorrow, June 3 to prepare to prepare for the tournament starting on June 8.
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Friday 13 May 2011
Virtually all public figures in Tonga, including politicians of any colour, failed dismally to assist or set forward a firm plan of how to achieve better standard of living for Tongans. It was mainly the late King who had a vision to that effect, starting from the Tonga Commodities Board in the late 1950s. The last was the Passport Scheme, a fund raising excercise for the purpose of investing the proceeds. - S. Ma'afu Tupou.
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Thursday 12 May 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga is one of the Pacific countries that has successfully engaged with New Zealand's seasonal employment scheme, now generating huge benefits for Pacific families and attracting the support of donor agencies.
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