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Sunday 16 August 2009
Last week's Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) leaders' summit, held in the northern Australian city of Cairns, saw the Labor government of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd move to extend its control over the regional body. Despite earlier statements from a number of Pacific governments expressing disquiet over Canberra's stance on issues including Fiji, climate change, and regional trade, every PIF member state toed the line and signed the final summit communiqué drafted by the Australian government. -By Frank Gaglioti
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Friday 14 August 2009
Manila, Philippines
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is providing assistance to the Pacific to help design and deliver renewable energy products to the region through a $3 million grant for the development of small pilot projects in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu.
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Friday 14 August 2009
London, UK
In response to the Secretary General's communication to the Interim Prime Minister of Fiji, Commodore Bainimarama, conveying the Concluding Statement of the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG) following its Extraordinary Meeting on 31 July 2009, the Interim Government of Fiji Islands invited a delegation from the Commonwealth to visit the country.
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Wednesday 12 August 2009
Melbourne, Australia
Australia and New Zealand have offered to buy a new ferry for Tonga after last week's disaster in which 93 people are feared drowned.
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Wednesday 5 August 2009
Cairns, Australia
The possible launch of trade negotiations by Prime Minister John Key and the other Pacific leaders at the Pacific Islands Forum, beginning today in Cairns, must not plunge Pacific people already hit by the economic crisis, food crisis and climate change further into poverty, says international aid agency Oxfam.
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Wednesday 5 August 2009
Queensland, Australia
Pacific Greenpeace activists have shut down Abbott Point coal export terminal in Queensland to demand Kevin Rudd stops risking the future of Pacific Islands by undermining real action on climate change and expanding Australia's coal industry.
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Thursday 30 July 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Governor of the National Reserve Bank of Tonga, Mrs Siosi Cocker Mafi, stated that at its meeting on 28 July 2009 the Reserve Bank Board noted that economic activity continued to slow down due to the impact of the global financial crises and contributing to this slow down is the decline in domestic credit growth. Domestic banks are tightening their lending criteria due to high non performing loans.
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Thursday 30 July 2009
Christchurch, New Zealand
Staff and students from New Zealand's Canterbury University will visit Tonga in August, to present a handbook for Tongans taking part in the country's first ever democratic elections.
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Thursday 30 July 2009
Sydney, Australia
The Fiji Democracy and Freedom Movement strongly condemns the arrest and the drummed up charges brought against Fiji's second highest Paramount Chief and Leader of the Burebasaga Confederacy, Ro Teimumu Kepa.
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Friday 24 July 2009
Honiara, Solomon Islands
The increase in parliamentary entitlements as gazetted on 6th July are inappropriate, unjustified and unaffordable. Transparency Solomon Islands TSI commends the public for the overwhelming condemnation of the actions of the Parliamentary Entitlement Commission (PEC).
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Wednesday 24 June 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Constitutional and Electoral Commission is pleased to announce the successful completion of the public forum with the Niua people here in Tongatapu.
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Friday 12 June 2009
Australia is on a mission. Come August when it hosts the Pacific Islands Forum it's looking to announce another feather in its free trade cap, that of the Pacific.
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Thursday 4 June 2009
Noumea, New Caledonia
A strategy that aims to strengthen the role of Pacific culture in and through all levels of education is a step closer to completion after a group of specialists met recently to examine it.
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Thursday 4 June 2009
Suva, Fiji
Fiji Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama has turned down a request by leaders of the country's largest Christian church to lift the ban on its annual conference in August.
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Wednesday 3 June 2009
Canberra, Australia
Better urban design of our cities and suburbs to encourage people to be active and a greater focus on teaching children the importance of healthy eating and exercise are key recommendations of the Australian House of Representative'’s Health Committee's report "Weighing it up" released on June 1.
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Tuesday 12 May 2009
New Zealand
The Pacific Cooperation Foundation PCF is pleased to announce Tonga's Prime Minister, the Hon Dr Feleti Sevele, will give the 2009 Annual Pacific Address in Christchurch (14 May 2009) and Wellington (18 May 2009).
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Thursday 30 April 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
THE threat of a pandemic Swine Influenza is increasing by the day and here are some of the frequently asked questions about the disease, and their answers.
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Wednesday 22 April 2009
Suva, Fiji
Many in Fiji believe that Voreqe Bainimarama's intentions are good and are in opposition to the aims of previous coups. …There is division in the political parties, the judiciary, the churches and the NGO community. Your position depends on the perspective you take. By Fr Kevin Barr.
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Friday 6 February 2009
Wellington, New Zealand
New Zealand celebrates 169 years of partnership between its indigenous Maori people and European settlers Friday with relations between the races in a better state than they have been for years. By David Barber
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Thursday 22 January 2009
Suva, Fiji
The General Voters Party (GVP) is in agreement with Prime Minister Bainimarama in asking that the meeting in Port Moresby on the 27th January 2009 be deferred to a later date because of the great humanitarian crisis being faced by Fiji at this time.
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