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Results for Peau Vava'u

Thursday 17 April 2008
Neiafu, Vava'u
Developing an International Airport at Vava'u, is something the Tonga government is now considering, but because of the limitations of the outer island runways, they need to consider all the options.
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Tuesday 27 March 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Peau Vava'u, one of Tonga's two domestic airlines, which due to fire damage to their corporate offices in November 2006 has been grounded, announced today that they will recommence commercial operation on Monday 14 May 2007.
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Friday 24 November 2006
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Peau Vava'u Airways has suspended its domestic air service indefinitely, Tonga's Minister of Transport, Hon. Paul Karalus, told representatives from the Nuku'alofa Tourism Industry this afternoon.
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Wednesday 27 April 2005
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A 37-seat Convair aircraft for the Peau Vava'u Airways is expected to arrive in Tonga this afternoon, April 27.
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Thursday 14 April 2005
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Starting today, April 14, the DC3 of the Peau Vava‘u Airways the sole operator of the domestic air service, ceased serving the outer islands of Tonga.
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Monday 31 January 2005
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Kingdom Air Services Limited was a company formed by five local business men (including two former Royal Tongan pilots now both working overseas and myself) in conjunction with a significant offshore investor, to apply for a domestic air services license following the collapse of Royal Tongan Airlines in March 2004. The local shareholders were to hold only a minority interest (25% between them) in the company. -Steve Edwards
Friday 28 January 2005
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Domestic air services to the northern remote islands of Niuafo'ou and Niuatoputapu are expected to resume by the second week of February. There have been no regular air services to the Niuas since 17 May 2004, when the Royal Tongan Airlines ceased operation.
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Monday 25 October 2004
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A joint venture between Polynesian Airlines and the Peau Vava'u Airways, to provide a connecting service between Tonga and Samoa, through Vava'u, is in the pipeline.
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Wednesday 29 September 2004
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Peau Vava‘u Airwaves confirmed today that it will not bring in a 10 seater Islander aircraft for its outer island services. It plans instead to bring in a third DC3 aircraft that will arrive in November.
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Tuesday 14 September 2004
Sydney, Australia
Without a unified approach Tonga will remain behind the rest of the Pacific Region which is currently enjoying a huge boom in tourism dollars and economic forcasts thanks to the worries of Terrorism and global economic down turn across the world, tourists are now looking for a safer and more affordable holiday destination. - Andrew Fifita
Friday 10 September 2004
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
I would be most grateful if you could try to get Peau Vava'u views in some of your articles - it may help to balance things up a little. I am seeking your kind cooperation and help with this matter.- Soane Ramanlal
Friday 10 September 2004
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
In a hearing in an open court on 6th September 2004 to consider a review of the injunction granted by the Court on 17 August, 2004 quashing the sole operator license of Peau Vava'u Limited, the Supreme Court of Tonga ordered to rescind the injunction granted by it on 17 August 2004 and this to take effect from Friday 10th September 2004. - Peau Vava'u
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Tuesday 7 September 2004
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A Supreme Court decision on the future of the two domestic air services currently serving Tonga, FlyNiu Airlines and Peau Vava‘u, will be announced by Chief Justice Webster tomorrow, Wednesday.
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Friday 27 August 2004
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
At the moment there is no air service to either of the two Niuas or to ‘Eua and the Peau Vava‘u DC3 and the FlyNiu Airline DASH8 can land on the air strips on the islands.
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Monday 23 August 2004
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Peau Vava‘u Airways will start flying a 10-seater Islander aircraft to the Niuas and to ‘Eua this week, said Mosikaka Moengangongo, project manager.
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