During a live television interview here in New Zealand on 21 June I made a thoughtless remark which has caused great offence to Tongans both within the Kingdom and elsewhere. When I became aware that I had caused offence to my fellow law practitioners in Tonga, I immediately wrote a letter of apology to the Tonga Law Society, sections of which appear in a Press Release by the Tonga Law Society published in Matangi Tonga. - David Garrett
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Results for David Garrett
Sunday 28 June 2009
Auckland, New Zealand
The comments by this David Garrett in the New Zealand parliament and his defence to the media of what he muttered are signs of a person who is desperate and an attention seeker. Unbeknownst to this person who is clearly not Tongan, he has brought shame to us Tongans here in Zealand and it gives out a picture that harassment is a norm in the Tonga work place environment. - S. F. Fonua
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Thursday 25 June 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
One reads with the greatest concern the statement by a NZ ACT Member of Parliament, David Garrett (ironically, an employment lawyer for over 10 years), trying to justify lewd remarks that he made to a female worker, asserting that "I'm on a very steep learning curve, I now understand very clearly that the kind of thing that might have been okay in a law firm in Tonga is not okay in Parliament." (NZ Herald, 23/06/09). - Sitiveni Finau
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