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Results for data collection

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Data collected from the tsunami affected small islands of ‘Atata, Malinoa and Fafa will be used for inundation forecast modeling for future volcanic tsunami events in Tonga. TGS stated that 'Atata, Malinoa and Fafa Islands were badly damaged by the tsunami with wave heights estimated to have reach 7m, 6.5m and 6m above sea level on each island respectively.
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Thursday 26 December 2019

Oxford, United Kingdom
The United States and some of its allies have acted decisively to exclude the Chinese technology company Huawei from their national markets, yet they continue to ignore the similar threat posed by Facebook and other US digital giants. Democratic governments must now be equally decisive in dealing with this home-grown danger. By Ngaire Woods.