Tonga’s Ambassador for Women in Football, Lositika Feke, a 20 year-old striker of the national women’s football team, the Mataliki, returned from a sports diplomatic programme in Sydney, during the FIFA Women's Football World Cup. She was funded by the British High Commissioner in Tonga, who visited the Tonga Football Academy last week.
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Results for British High Commissioner to Tonga
Tuesday 3 October 2023
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga

Friday 25 September 2020
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Ms Lucy Joyce OBE is the third British High Commissioner to be appointed to the Kingdom of Tonga since last year, after Britain decided to reopen its diplomatic mission in Nuku’alofa since departing in 2006.

Wednesday 1 July 2015
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Wellington, New Zealand
The British High Commissioner to Tonga, HE Mr Roderick Drummond, and Lord Simon Glenarthur of Carlung will represent the United Kingdom at the Coronation of Tupou VI on July 4.

Thursday 10 June 2004
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Even in Tonga the reality of the 21st Century is ever present and cannot be ignored, the British High Commissioner to Tonga, Mr Paul Nessling told guests at reception to celebrate the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II, at the British High Commission in Nuku'alofa on June 10.

Wednesday 10 December 2003
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
British High Commissioner to Tonga, Mr Paul Nessling: “It is great to have a degree in molecular biology but out there, we are desperate for nurses, teachers, youth workers, social workers, plumbers, carpenters, electricians, cooks, IT engineers and many others with skills.”