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8127 Royco Ports Services 9 - 16 September 2024

Royco Ports Services


TO: The Owner and/or Shipping Agent Mataliki Shipping

FOR: Public Notice is given in respect of the following shipping containers stored at the Queen Salote Wharf:-

  1. BCHU2916871
  2. DRYU9197423
  3. TCNU6805214
  4. DFSU4343721
  5. SEGU1337757
  6. DRYU2137551

Royco Ports Services Limited, on behalf of the Ports Authority of Tonga, hereby gives Notice that the above referenced containers will be sold 3 days from the publication of this Notice in the Newspaper in accordance with section 49(3) of the Ports Authority Act.

The basis for the sale of the above referenced containers is as follows:-

  1. The Ports Authority is legally entitled to charge fees for storage of containers at the Queen Salote Wharf in accordance with section 42(3) of the Ports Authority Act;
  2. The fees for storage have been published in accordance with section 42(4) of the Act;
  3. The owners and/or agents of the owners of the containers are liable to pay the fees in accordance with section 43(1) of the Act;
  4. The Authority is entitled to seize and detain the said containers until the fees are paid, according to section 48(1) and (2) of the Act; and
  5. Upon expiry of 90 days the fees for storage have not been paid, the Authority is entitled to sell or dispose of the containers listed herein.

THEREFORE Royco Ports Services hereby give Notice on behalf of the Ports Authority that if the storage fees for the containers is not within 3 days of publication of this Notice in the Newspaper, Royco Ports Services will sell or dispose of the containers in accordance with the law.



TAUMU’A: ‘Oku ‘oatu ‘a e fanongongo ni ‘o makatu’unga ‘I he ngaahi koniteina ‘oku tauhi ‘I he Uafu Kuini Salote:-

  1. BCHU2916871
  2. DRYU9197423
  3. TCNU6805214
  4. DFSU4343721
  5. SEGU1337757
  6. DRYU2137551

‘Oku ‘oatu ‘a e tohi ni mei he Royco Ports Services Limited ‘I he malumalu ‘o e Poate Ma’u Mafai Ki He Ngaahi Taulanga ‘a e fakatokanga fekau’aki moe ngaahi koniteina kuo tuku atu ‘I ‘olunga ke fakatau atu hili e ‘aho ‘e 3 hono pulusi ‘o e fanongonongo ni ‘I he nusipepa ‘o fakatatau kihe kupu 49(3) ‘o e Ports Authority Act.

ʻOku peheni ʻa e makatuʻunga ki hono fakatau atu ʻo e ngaahi koniteina ʻoku ha atu ʻi ʻolunga:-

  1. ʻOku ʻi ai e totonu fakalao ʻa e Poate Ma'u Mafai ke hikifaki ʻa e ngaahi totongi ki hono tauhi ʻo e ngaahi koniteina ʻi he Uafu Kuini Salote ʻo fakatatau mo e kupu 42 (3) ʻo e Ports Authority Act.
  2. Kuo pulusi ʻa e ngaahi totongi tauhi ‘o fakatatau ki he kupu 42(4) ʻo e Act
  3. Ki He Pule/Fakafofonga Pule ‘o e ngaahi koniteina koeni, ‘oku ‘ia te kimoutolu ‘a e totonu ki he ngaahi mou’a koeni ki he ‘u koniteina ʻo fakatatau mo e kupu 43 (1) ʻo e Act;
  4. ʻOku ʻi ai e totonu ʻa e ma’u mafai ke puke mo taofi ʻa e ngaahi koniteina naʻe fakaha atu kae ʻoua kuo totongi ʻa e ngaahi totongi tauhi ni, ʻo fakatatau ki he kupu 48 (1) mo e (2) ʻo e Act;
  5. ʻI he hili ʻa e ʻaho ʻe 90 ‘oku teʻeki totongi ʻa e totongi tauhi, ʻoku ʻi ai e totonu ʻa e mafai pule ke fakatau atu ʻa e ngaahi koniteina ʻoku hiki atu heni.

Ko ia ai kuo tuku atu he Royco Ports Services ʻa e fakatokanga ‘I he malumalu ʻo e Poate Ma’u Mafai ‘o kapau he’ikai ha totongi ‘a e ngaahi totongi tauhi koeni ‘I loto ‘I he ‘aho ‘e 3 hili hono pulusi atu ‘I he nusipepa, ʻe fakatau atu pe fakaʻauha ʻe he Royco Ports Services ʻa e ngaahi koniteina koeni ʻo fakatatau mo e lao.


Matangi Tonga Online ref. #8127 Royco Ports Services, 9 - 16 Sept 2024