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PM not in charge


I have heard from various sources how our beloved King enjoys good humors and play jokes on his friends. At this stage of his life, I was thinking he is busy meditating and preparing to meet his Maker. Boy was I wrong! Our beloved king is still active being a jokester.

In my last letters to the Editor, I was a little bit hard on our newly appointed Prime Minister by asking him to exile or lock up those who hijacked the kingdom...’s power generating infrastructure and renamed it Shoreline. At first the hijackers promised lower utility rates but changed their mind and raised it. My mind is failing me, but didn...’t they get the whole infrastructure without a penny to the government? Then came their so-called infrastructure upgrades. In their own generous estimation, their investment on the upgrades minus the huge discount to the kingdom, they will only settle for 60 million dollars. I am sure the windmills will be billed separately. That sucking sound you now hear is your money dashing out from your pocket to pay for the windmills.

The promotion of a commoner to the Prime Minister post is no doubt a landmark in the kingdom...’s short history especially in T4...’s era. Just in case we forget, Clauses 50 and 51 of the Constitution specifically state, (50) ...“The King shall appoint a Privy Council to assist him in the discharge of his important functions. The Privy Council shall be composed of the Cabinet in accordance with the fifty-first clause and the Governors in accordance with the fifty-fourth clause and any others whom the King shall see fit to call to his Council. ...…..(51) The Cabinet or ministers of the King shall consist of the Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Lands, the Minister of Police and any other ministers whom His Majesty may be pleased to appoint. It is the King's prerogative to appoint the ministers and they shall hold office during the King's pleasure...….. (54) The King with the consent of the Cabinet shall appoint...…...”

Nowhere in the Constitution is it spelled out where the PM has the authority to do anything on his own, but ...“at the pleasure of our dear king...”.

Understanding the constitution, explains the difficult position our new Prime Minister is in. He is ...“The Man...” with very little ...“authority", and he is not in charge. His endorsement of having this ransom paid to the Crown Prince and company, mask the Royal Children...’s role in this fiasco. All appears the PM took this all on his own initiative, but isn...’t it surreal. Remember the last (Minister of Police) commoner who got axed and blamed for the Passport Scheme scandal and the Court Jester debacle? Knowing the huge positive public relations the Royal Family gets from this commoner...’s elevation, the old saying became true, ...“The more we try to change things, is the more things remain the same....” We are too busy basking in the PM...’s promotion that we forget nothing has changed. Then again, who said the king has given up on comics? He can...’t go down without playing one last joke on his friends. Isn...’t the old guy funny?


tevita [dot] u [dot] langi [at] us [dot] army [dot] mil