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8275 Ministry of Education and Training 29 November - 18 December 2024


Ministry of Education and Training

Invitation to Quote

Purchaser: Ministry of Education and Training
Project: Tonga Safer and Resilient Schools Project
Contract Name: Construction Works for Tsunami Affected Schools in Tonga (Package 3): GMS Nomuka (Lot 1), Tungua (Lot 2) and GPS Fonoi (Lot 3)

Country: Tonga
Grant No.: IDA-927-TO
RFQ No: TO-MET-392537-CW-RFQ
Issued on: 28th November 2024

1. The project is financed by the World Bank through the above grant IDA-927-TO. The Ministry of Education and Training invites sealed quotations from eligible bidders for:

  • Lot 1: Construction of 1 x Remote Series 2 Classroom, 1 x Remote Series WASH facility and various upgrades to existing buildings at GPS of Nomuka School located on the island of Nomuka, Ha’apai. The delivery/construction period is amaximum of 8 months.
  • Lot 2: Construction of 2 x Remote Series Staff Quarters, 1 x WASH Building, 1 x Remote Series 2 Classroom and various upgrades to existing buildings at GPS Tungua School located on the island of Tungua, Ha’apai. The delivery/construction period is a maximum of 8 months.
  • Lot 3: Lot 3: Construction of 1 x Remote Series Staff Quarters, 1 x Remote Series WASH facility, and various upgrades to existing buildings at GPS Fonoi School located on the island of Fonoi, Ha’apai. The delivery/construction period is amaximum of 8 months.

2. Eligible bidders should have experience in the construction of at least one contract of the nature and complexity equivalent to the Works described in this invitation, during the last three years and should provide evidence of financial resources to successfully complete the Works.

3. A complete set of Request for Quotation (RFQ) documents in English will be provided to interested eligible bidders free of charge upon email request to procurement [at] tsrsproject [dot] onmicrosoft [dot] com.

4. A pre-bid meeting will be held on 9th December 2024 at 10am Tonga local time at the address below.

5. Quotations must be submitted to the address below by hand delivery or email on or before 18th December 2024 at 2:00pm. Late quotations may be rejected.

6. The address referred to above is:

Project Management Unit
Tonga Safe and Resilient Schools Project (TSRSP)
MET Head Office, Tofoa, Tonga
Tel: +676 99146
Email: procurement [at] tsrsproject [dot] onmicrosoft [dot] com


Matangi Tonga Online ref. #8275 MET, 29 Nov - 18 Dec 2024