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No guts, no glory

Pago Pago, American Samoa


We spend much of your times in trivial things and overlook a lot of significant accomplishment by our people.

Let me extend my congratulation to Lt .Colonel Siamelie Latu for a job well done. Hope this is going to be of some help to you in your responsibilities in Tonga.

I am not going to forget to remind you that if you had listen or carry out the plan we talked about with my commander Kuri, I think Nuku'alofa could have been saved. There were certainly no guts, and there was definitely no glory. That is why we are in leadership position especially in the military; to make timely decision even when it is unpopular, expensive and dangerous. Ours is not to reason why, Ours rather is to do it and die.

Mafi 'o Amerika Samoa

slkava [at] samoatelco [dot] com