Six community groups on Tongatapu, ‘Eua and Vava’u will receive assistance for their projects, under agreements signed by Tonga Offshore Mining Limited on 28 June.
TOML's country manager Fuka Kitekei'aho signed the agreement with representatives from the community groups, who will receive assistance in education, water supply fencing, youth, women and sports programs. The recipients were:
- Komiti AKo Ahi ‘o Ulakai (Youth/Education), ‘Ahau village (Tongatapu). Educational materials and equipment for a local village after school study program for around 43 children in Ahau.
- Komiti Vai Vaini Hihifo (Environment / Health), Vaini. Construction of a house and fence around their water supply to avoid contamination from roaming animals.
- Hilatau Multi-purpose Group (Agriculture / Environment), Tatakamotonga. Five pigsties to house pigs in their block aimed to decrease the number of roaming pigs in the village which is a major issue. Roaming pigs damage crops and contaminate water supplies.
- Fie'aonga Group (Youth),‘Ohonua, ‘Eua. Promote youth activities, through purchasing of chairs and tables to be used.
- Makasiale Group (Women’s Empowerment) ‘Utulei, Vava’u. Sewing machines and training, so that women can contribute to household income and be able to sew the uniforms for the children in the village
- Tonga Handball Association (Youth/ Health), Tofoa.
Uniforms and equipment for Tonga’s Handball Team (Girls) who will be going to the Handball Federation Trophy for Oceania
TOML will offer a second call for applications fr assistance that will open in September.
TOML is a Tongan subsidiary of the Metals Company (TMC) established in 2008, sponsored by the Kingdom of Tonga. The company signed a contract with the International Seabed Authority (ISA) IN 2012, to explore for polymetallic nodules in international waters (thousands of kilometers from Tonga).