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Talanga 'i he lea faka-Tonga

Ko e fufo'i fakapulou lahi



'Oku ha he fakamatala 'o e tapuni e Fale ne toe fai e ki'i maumautaimi ia 'i tu'afale hili koia' kuo tapuni e fale'. Ko e fo'i founga tatau pe 'eni moia nenau fakahoko pea hoko e maumau he 1611. "five People's Representatives protested outside the ceremony over the early closure of the Legislature's 2007" Ko fo'i fakapulou lahi mo'oni kuo fai 'e he kau fakafofonga' he ne nau 'osi 'ilo pe e fai e fili he 2008 pea nau toki hu ki tu'a mei he Fale'. Ko e fo'i tu'uaki ko'eni' tokua ke pehe 'e he kakai ko kinautolu na'a nau feinga'i ke fai e fili he ta'u fo'ou', malie ko e toitoi e 'ulu kae teketua mai e fo'i tu'a'. 'Oku toe malie ange 'a e 'osi e to'u falealea ko 'eni' 'oku te'eki ke 'i ai ha tali pe koe ha 'oku fakangofua ai ke toho kakato e vahenga te'eki ke fai ha ngaue'.

Kuo lahi mo hono taalanga'i 'a e fakangofua ke ngaue fakafofonga lao e motu'a Nu'u Sila ko Christopher Harder lolotonga koia kuo to'o 'ene totonu ke ngaue fakalao 'e he Sosaieti Lao 'a Nu'usila. Ko e motu'a foki ko 'eni' koe 'omai 'e 'Akilisi Pohiva ke tokoni kihe fakahinohino lao ma'ae kau Demo. Kuo fai e fakatotolo pea pehe tokua koe ngaahi maumaulao lahi taha mo fakalilifu kuo hoko 'i Tonga koe matu'a moe fanau Tonga kuo fakafoki (tipota'i) mei he ngaahi fonua muli koe maumaulao. Kapau 'oku tupu e ngaahi maumau mei he kakai pehe ni, 'e anga fefe ha falala kiha fakafofonga lao kuo tuku ki tu'a 'e hono fonua tupu'anga?

"The Tongan Law Society says it has had several members express their concern about a controversial New Zealand lawyer allowed to practice there."

"Former Auckland lawyer Christopher Harder was struck off in New Zealand

because of professional misconduct."

"He moved to Tonga and was granted a licence to practice, but legal authorities say they were unaware of his past."

The Tongan Law Society's president Laki Niu has laid a formal complaint with the island's Chief Justice and says there is a growing groundswell of support in regards to action being taken against Harder.

'Oku fai e faka'amu ke ki'i fai ha tokanga kihe ngaahi me'a 'oku ne uesia

fakalukufua e fonua kae tuku e fakafekiki he me'a kuo 'osi maau pe ia'. Kuo

Folofola mahino mai 'e he Tama Tu'i ko Tupou V ko e me'a kotoa pe 'oku felave'i moe Konisitutone moe langa hake 'oe fonua' koe fatongia ia 'oe Falealea.

Malo e talanoa

Joshua Moimoiangaha

Joshua [dot] Nehasi [at] AlaskaAir [dot] com