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8387 MBf Bank Unclaimed Monies 3 Mar - 3 April 2025


Unclaimed Monies 2024

In compliance with section 81 & 82 of the Financial Institutions Act 2020, we published below the Unclaimed monies at the MBf Bank Limited as at 31st December 2024

Unclaimed Monies 2024

Download PDF icon MBf List of Unclaimed Monies 2024.pdf

Account Holders (owners) of any of these unclaimed monies are required to make your claim to the Bank within (3) months from the first publication date. The Act requires that any remaining Unclaimed Monies after the 3 months period will then have to be transferred to National Reserve Bank of Tonga.

Please contact Langi Vailanu on +(676) 24-600 ext.223.

Fakatokangaí ange ko kimoutolu óku ha atu ho mou hingoa, ke fakahu mai leva á hoó éke í loto í he mahina é 3 mei he úluaki áho ó e fanongonongo ni ki he Pangi ke MBf.

Kataki fetuútaki kia Langi Vailanu í he +(676) 24-600 ext.223.


Matangi Tonga Online ref. #8387 MBf Bank 3 Mar - 3 April 2025