Dear Matangi Tonga,

Thank you for letting my previous letter about political reform appear on your website. Your site is much appreciated. The articles are clear and updated regularly; again, thank you for your insightful journalism.

My comments regard the latest article about the Princess. I pity the situation her family must endure through these trying times. She appears sincere in her remarks; evident by the emotional response from the crowd. Fortunately, Mr. Fisi'iahi's response illustrated strength and resolve. I'm impressed with his stance and hope that the PSA supports his response to the Princess.

Many eyes are watching these developments with anxious hearts. Regardless of motherly rhetoric from Princess Pilolevu or any other political figure, one should approach this situation through a political lens. The fact remains that tension is building for political reform.

Her concerns are valid: children should return to school and violence in NZ and elsewhere is not contributing to the solution.

But allow me to inquire the following: Should the children go to school? What are they to learn that is more important than what is going on in their lives outside of school? What are the teachers 'teaching' by standing up for their cause?

I believe the students can learn from this situation and develop character through support of a cause - whether it's for or against the strikers. Children are first taught in the home and supplemented by academics that supposedly educate a 'higher' education. The parents are not in question here. But, let me be clear - the 'higher' education appears to be occurring in Pangai Si'i.

From a telescopic perspective, children would benefit from sitting next to their teachers in Pangai Si'i; therefore, a call goes out to the teachers - TEACH IN THE FIELDS OF PANGAI. Higher education is not only found in textbooks, but from individuals applying historical lessons; integrate current affairs with dynamic dialogue under the cool breeze in Pangai. If this occurs, can someone claim that children will not learn more political/social/economic lessons outside among the gathering of Tongan commoners? Well, at the moment, it sure doesn't appear that the schools are open to contradict the query.