Head girl named Queen Sālote College Dux [1]
Friday, November 29, 2024 - 20:33
By Katalina Siasau
Queen Sālote College Dux for 2024 was awarded to the Head Girl, Rachel Mele Tupou Tatafu who achieved 90.9% in her overall academic performance.
She was top student in English (81%), Computing & ICT (94.4%), Geography (83.7%), and Biblical Studies (94.5%), earning a cash prize of $1,800.
As Dux, she also received trophies and over $3,000 pa’anga in prizes.
Rachel received another trophy and $1,300 for her role as Head Girl, and was also commended as the “best behaved” senior girl. Rachel has family connections with Talihau and Tu’anekivale Vava’u, Ha’afeva and Lofanga Ha'apai, Alaki, Holonga and Pelehake, Tongatapu.
Queen Nanasipau’u Tuku’aho presented the awards at the school’s 98th prize-giving ceremony today, 29 November, at Saione (FWCT), Nuku’alofa.
The Dux was awarded to the top student in Form 7, which had 85 students this year.