100 participants from 15 ACP countries to attend Mei Festival in Tonga [1]
Saturday, September 14, 2024 - 05:41. Updated on Saturday, September 14, 2024 - 05:43.
By Tupou Vaipulu
A Breadfruit (Mei) Festival will be held on Monday, 16 September at the MORDI Tonga Trust in Havelu. The festival will see over 100 participants and visitors from 15 Pacific and Caribbean countries.
Participants will learn about breadfruit during the festival, from the raising of trees in the nursery to growing breadfruit on the farm. Participants will also explore different ways of cooking with breadfruit, value adding, breadfruit in schools and through story and song.
The Safeguard and M&E Coordinator for MORDI Tonga, Crystal ‘Ake told Matangi Tonga today, that it is important for the international participants to attend this event, "to share knowledge of best learned lessons and practices of utilizing breadfruit in the Pacific.”
She said that it is a platform used to also address issues, challenges and gaps in policy.
“There is also the wider implications of how breadfruit can help address societal issues of NCDs, nutrition, traditional knowledge in disaster preparation and climate change adaptation as well as food security.
Other programs including a summit, tour, school visits and workshops will also take place from the 17-20 September.
Site visits will also be made to Nishi Farm, where breadfruit flour has been trialled.
The event is supported by various organizations, including The Farmers’ Organizations for Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific (FO4ACP) Program.
This joint initiative, is funded by the European Union (EU), African, Caribbean, and Pacific Groups of States (ACP), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and Pacific Farmer Organisations (PFO), aims to boost incomes, enhance food security and nutrition, and improve the livelihoods of organized smallholder and family farmers in the ACP region.