Tonga reaches 27% renewable energy usage [1]
Wednesday, January 31, 2024 - 00:29
Tonga is currently using 27% of renewable energy as a source of power, the Department of Energy (MEIDECC) said, in marking the International Day of Clean Energy, on Friday, 26 January, as declared by the United Nations.
As of December 2023, Tonga was using 27% of renewable energy as a source of power, said to Energy Specialist 'Ofa Sefana and his team from the Department of Energy (DoE), MEIDECC.
The United Nations marked the 26 January as the International Day of Clean Energy, and it is based on the Sustainable Development Goal #7, which aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030.
The UN states that: “Energy lies at the core of a double challenge: leaving no one behind and protecting the Planet. And clean energy is crucial to its solution."
In 2021, Tonga launched the Tonga Energy Road Map 2021-2035 (TERM-PLUS) Framework, to help Tonga reach 70% renewable electricity by 2030, and 100% by 2035 with vast improvements in energy-efficiency, transportation, and resilience.
DoE Mr Samuela Matakaiongo said clean energy is important to Tonga: “energy that is affordable, accessible, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable.”
Tonga's target on renewable and clean energy, includes reduce total amount of diesel imports in 2035 by 10%, increased share of electricity generated from renewable sources to 50%, 70-100% electricity generation from renewable resources.
US$23 M Wind Power project
A US$23 million wind power project funded by the government of China is underway. A team from China will arrive next month to officially begin the project at Lapaha, Tongatapu.
It is estimated to produce 2.25 megawatt, a 4% to 5% contribution to renewable energy in Tonga.
Meanwhile, several renewable energy projects have already been implemented in Tonga, including the Tonga Outer Island Renewable Energy Project (OIREP), and Tonga Renewable Energy Project (TREP).